Coordination is Key For Dental Practices

As a dentist I am responsible for making sure my patients have the best dental care experience. I feel most comfortable delivering that care in person with the treatment that I provide. That is something that I personally have almost complete control over. 

What I have less control over is all of the steps before and after an appointment that need to be completed in a timely and professional manner.

In most dental practices the dentist and the team members have to juggle these tasks throughout their day and week. This means remembering to follow up with patients, their medical doctor, dental lab, or specialist on the various tasks related to patient care.

A care coordination system like Healier replaces the need for un-coordinated systems like post-it notes, faxes, e-mails, messenger systems, and side conversations. 

What I realized after using the Healier platform is that I can leave work knowing that all of the to-do’s and follow ups are stored nicely in a secure place. I don’t have that nagging feeling in my mind that I forgot something or if my receptionist sent that medical clearance for Monday’s surgery.

I can feel confident that my team has the tool it needs to communicate and coordinate care efficiently and effectively. I didn’t even know a task management and care coordination platform existed.

We were struggling to piece together 3-4 systems that didn’t give us the whole picture of my patients’ needs. 

Since COVID my practice along with many others have added a number of digital solutions.

With Healier we can organize and consolidate those applications so that we aren’t logging into multiple platforms to find patient information in order to do our jobs.

My staff is able to send me messages and request actions and those communications are kept right next to my patients data that is synced with the practice management system. 


Nathan Suter, DDS
Owner of Green Leaf Dental Care